What's New in Glasswise E-Labels - January 2024

This overview summarizes all the changes and updates to our application in January 2024.

David Wippel Gründer von Glasswise

David Wippel

Founder of Glasswise

New Feature - QR Code Lists

To avoid cluttering your mailings with numerous QR codes or nutritional information, you can now create a list of E-Labels with the new 'QR Code Lists' feature. Like the E-Labels themselves, these lists can be assigned a QR code. Also supports 'Scan with Glasswise'.

Automatic kCal/kJ Calculation Removed

Due to uncertainties regarding the legal conditions surrounding the automatic calculation of kCal/kJ, we have prudently removed this functionality.

Glasswise E-Labels:

Our automatic Glasswise assistant guides you through the entire process: As a customer, you benefit from the automatic calorie calculator, predefined and freely selectable additional information, the option of automatic translations into all 24 official EU languages, and a user-friendly interface for easy input.

Glasswise Call to action

Changes to wine labeling regulations

The EU Commission has presented important changes and clarifications to wine labeling regulations in a recent announcement. This post summarizes the key elements of the new regulations, including the placement of mandatory information on labels and specific requirements for QR codes and ingredient lists.

Scan with Glasswise Explained

'Scan with Glasswise,' an innovative feature that maximizes your QR code's potential. Learn how you can legally add extra value to your winery and directly connect your wines with customers.

Why Glasswise?

Why I developed Glasswise, my vision, and what's next: Learn more about the future plans and goals of this project.