
The Glasswise Packages

Find the perfect fit for your wine business.

All prices are exclusive of VAT.

Bubbles for Everyone

For all those who would like to add a QR code to their sparkling wines now.


Get Started Now
  • 10 E-Labels included (sufficient for one product over 10 years)
  • Unlimited Users
  • GDPR-Conform Hosting
  • Onboarding Service
  • Lifetime Access (Data is yours)
  • Scan Analytics (no tracking)
  • Email Support

Do It Yourself

Take Control with Our User-Friendly Platform


Get Started Now
  • All 'Bubbles for Everyone' Features Included
  • Unlimited E-Labels
  • Wine Master Data Sheet
  • Scan with Glasswise
  • 30 days free trial
  • Email Support
  • Ready for GS1 Digital Link

Done For You

Just send us your data and we'll set everything up for you. Every year. It's that simple.


Get Started Now
  • All 'Do It Yourself' Features Included
  • Initial setup by our team
  • Exclusive Concierge Service: Just send us your lab results and assets. We handle the rest.
  • Professional (cut-out) photos of your wine bottles.
  • Creation of all E-Labels (+QR codes)
  • Phone Support

Because Looks Matter

You invest in the design of your winery, your labels, and your website. Our service for customized E-Label design and the master data sheet (coming soon) ensures that your digital touchpoints meet this high standard of quality. Because first impressions count – especially in the digital world.

Invest Once, Use Unlimitedly

One-time costs for a permanently usable, brand-aligned design. Shape your digital touchpoints without recurring fees.

What's included

  • Professional Design
  • Master Data Sheet Design
  • Implementation & Setup
  • Also for QR code lists

Make it shine


Customize Now

Click the button to join the waiting list.

Why Glasswise?

Our user-friendly interface allows you to easily provide all the necessary information for labeling.
Do you want to update your data? You can update the available information at any time to ensure that your customers are always up to date.
Additional Benefits
Share the facts that are important to you, whether it's the story, suitable occasions, the expansion or the origin.
Present your story in the look of your brand. Where legally permissible, we depict your story in your own brand world.
Photos, maps, videos - everything is possible. Through 'Scan with Glasswise', customers can learn everything about you in the way you desire.
Glasswise offers a wine-long guarantee for your labels. With automatic backups and secure access for all customers.
We at Glasswise are convinced of the quality of our service. If you are no longer, you can cancel at any time, and we guarantee forwarding from the QR code to your new domain.
Open Interfaces
Glasswise offers open interfaces and integrates selected administrative software. Do you want to know if your cellar software is already supported? Contact us.
Concierge Service
You know you have to... but have no time? We also offer the option of being cared for by us: send us all necessary data in any form, and we will take care of the rest.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got more questions? Our FAQ page has more answers for you.

Or join one of our weekly demo sessions (online) and ask your questions directly. No obligation.